Left: Aztreonam disc(30μg/ml).
Right: transparent hallow(no growth of bacteria) is
seen inVancomycin disc(30μg/ml).
(Disc diffusion method).
The culture plates were made in the ordinary way, and sown
Basically, the same method are using for the antibiotic sensitivity
Any questions: write to Keiji Hagiwara, MD
The minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of VAM and AZT
against to this staphylococcus strain were >32μg/ml and <=2μg/ml,
respectively. MIC is the lowest concentration of an antibiotics that
inhibit the visible growth of a bacteria after overnight incubation.
----- Mr. Mizuno, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Yamaguchi
University School of Medicine.-------
In 1940, Heatley devised the "cylinder plate assay" to test the
strength of penicillin.
The culture plates were made in the ordinary way, and sown
evenly with test organism usually the 'standard staphylococcus'.
Then placed short lengths of glass tubing on the surface of the
agar, having bevelled the lower edges to sharpen them.
These little cylinders, usually six or eight to each plate, were
then filled the test solution, the cover put on, and the plate
incubated while the solution in the cylinders diffused into the
agar in a widening circle. If it contained penicillin, the organisms
failed to grow within a certain distance of the cylinder, and the
diameter of this circle of inhibition was an index of the strength
of the penicillin solution.
Basically, the same method are using for the antibiotic sensitivity
testing in clinical laboratory.
i) Tested bacteria, which isolated from clinical specimen,
for example, Staphylococcus aureus was seeded the agar plate.
ii) After seeding, small wafers(discs), which contain Vancomycin
or Aztreonam, were placed on agar plate and incubated
iii) Large clear hallow(photo, right) which indicate no growth of
bacterias, was seen in Vancomycin disc(VAM,30μg/ml, right)
and not in Aztreonam disc(AZT,30μg/ml, left).
Any questions: write to Keiji Hagiwara, MD