Introduce myself ; A 60-year-old Pediatrician. Since April 1997,
I have doing private Clinic for children, just 100m from Ube
Senior High school, Ube Japan.
Recently, I met a high school classmate, 42 yrs after graduation !
---------- said, " you look like the 70' year old." I have shocked.
1948: born in Tenri city, Nara, Japan.
1966: graduated Tenri Senior High School.
1975: graduated Yamagichi University School of Medicine.
1975: graduated Yamagichi University School of Medicine.
1976-78: Yamaguchi Central Hospital, Hofu
1985-87: Universite Catholique de Louvain, Bruxelles, Belgique.
1979-97: Department of Pediatrics, Yamaguchi University School
of Medicine
1997- present: Kami-Ube Pediatric Clinic
married to Sachie Nishijima and 3 sons.
I remembered Bike traveling around the Kyushu region
with two friends as a university student. Again, one of
my future plans is doing bicycle travel in Europe.
For instance ; Hamburg→ Amsterdam→ Frankfurt
→Paris → Loire river → Marseille → Cannes → Pisa
→ Rome → Athene → Istanbul
Keiji Hagiwara, M.D.
Kami-Ube Pediatric Clinic,
1-20-2 Tokiwadai , Ube 755-0097, Japan
Tel: 81(Japan)-836-29-1155
Fax: 81-836-29-1156
E-mail: (1) keijihagiwara@gmail.com
(2) keiji-hagiwara@umin.ac.jp
In 15th January 1948, I was born in Tanbaichi, Tenri city, about 25km
the south of Nara.
My father and eldest uncle had been opening a retail shop of fishes and
Japanese cuisine. The shop name was "Uoiwa". I am 3rd generation
of "Uoiwa". But my father and uncle(the oldest brother of my father)
were very anxious about me, and thought that this son was not
suitable for family business.
My grandparents brought up 5 sons and 4 daughters. The eldest son
inherited fish store, and second,third son had one's fish shop each.
The fifth son was a medic and died in battle, due to gun shot of head
at Xuzhou Jiangsu, mainland China in 1941.
My father was 4th son and got military duties as a soldier of the
communication corps in Mainland China for 10 years. After World
War second, father came back without injuries and married to my
mother. My mother was born in Nikaidou, neighborhood of Tanbaichi,
as 3rd daughter, where her parent owned the cloth retail-shop.
One day, In my early childhood, my mother was said in this way by
a Buddhist priest----- As for your first son, in the future, he will leave
this place and destined to go to the place where your hand does not
reach ------- . The Monk prediction was right.
During elementary school days, the hope of my future, I wanted to
work in the Japan meteorological Agency, electrical engineering,
or Japan Coast Guard, but not in Clerical areas, Civil servants,
Business or Trade.
When I graduated from elementary school, according to the
suggestion of uncle ( the oldest brother of my father) who was
Tenrikyo believer, I entered Tenri junior high school and Tenri
senior High school, which is associated with Tenrikyo, a New
Religion which was founded by a woman, Miki Nakayama in Meiji.
During 6 years, I lived in some specific world, religious environment
of Tenrikyo, which gave me a deep impact. The classmates of Tenri
high school came from various parts of Japan and sons or daughters
of Tenrikyo followers.
Before the university entrance examination, my friend said that I go
to Electronics and what you? He was excellent in Mathematics and
Physics. I could not follow him. Although I was good achievement
in Chemistry and Biology, but not good in Mathematics, Physics or
Athletic ability. I abandon to become an engineer, researcher of
Curriculum Vitae
Name : Keiji HAGIWARA
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : 15th January, 1948.
Place of Birth : Tanbaichi 261-1, Tenri city 632, Japan
Marital State : Married in 1978 with Sachie NISHIJIMA
Three sons: Fumito, Tasuku, Ryo
Present Address: 1-20-2 Tokiwadai, Ube 755-0097, Japan
Tel: 81-836-29-1155
Fax: 81-836-29-1156
Education and Experiences:
March 1975. Graduated from Yamaguchi University School of
June 1975. Medical License of Japan (License No. 226751)
April 1975-76. Internship in Yamaguchi University Hospital
June 1976-79. Pediatrician in Pediatric Division of Yamaguchi
Central Hospital
February 1979. Senior house staff and associate at Department of
Pediatrics, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
May 1985. Received Ph.D.(Doctor of Medical Science) from
Yamaguchi University
September 1985--August 1987
Chercheur Libre. Unité de Médicine Expérimentale,
Faculté de Médicine Université Catholique de Louvain,
Bruxelles B-1200, Belgium
September 1987---1997
Lecturer. Department of Pediatrics, Yamaguchi University
School of Medicine
November, 1987. Temporary staff(Pediatric Health Consultant) of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
April 1997-- to Present, Kami-Ube Pediatric Clinic, Ube city.
Membership of Associations:
1. Japan Pediatric Society
2. Japanese Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
3. Japanese Society for Pediatric Dermatology
4. American Society for Microbiology
5. 日本医師会 その他。
1989; Konishi's Award with Drs. K.Kobayashi and H. Kondoh
from the Medical Association of Yamaguchi University for studies of
IgA1-binding lectin, Jacalin.
1) 1981. a grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research for the Ministry
of Education, Science & Culture of Japan
(Study on protein synthesis of Molar Trophoblasts)
2) 1984. a grant-In-Aid from MORINAGA MILK Co. LTD.
(Study on action of IgA protease from intestinal bacteria on secretory IgA)
3) 1985. a grant-In-Aid from Naito Memorial Medical Foundation with
Kobayashi K. (A separation procedure of parental secretory IgA by a lectin
and development of a method for elimination of IgA in human gamma-
4) 1986. a grant-In-Aid from MORINAGA MILK Co. LTD.
with Kobayashi K. (Studies of anti-protease activity of pathogenic
bacterias present in human sIgA and serum IgA, IgG)
5) 1987. a grant-In-Aid from MORINAGA MILK Co. LTD.
(Biological roles of IgA protease-neutralizing antibody in mucosal defences)
6) 1989. a grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research for the Ministry of Education,
Science & Culture of Japan.
(Anti-bacterial antibody activity of IgA subclass in normal subjects)
7) 1990. a grant-In-Aid from Research Project for Adverse Effect of
Immunizations , the Ministry of Health & Welfare of Japan.
(A survey of acute neurological diseases in childhood in Yamaguchi
8) 1991. a grant-In-Aid from Research Project for Adverse Effect of
Immunizations , the Ministry of Health & Welfare of Japan.
(A follow-up study of varicella's vaccinees in healthy children)
9) 1992. a grant-In-Aid from Research Project for Adverse Effect of
Immunizations, the Ministry of Health &Welfare of Japan.
(A follow-up study of varicella's vaccinees in healthy children)
(A survey of familial transmission of whooping cough in Yamaguchi
(A survey of mother's knowledge of Measles and Measles Vaccine)
10) 1997-8. a grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research for the Ministry of
Education, Science & Culture of Japan.
(Study on rapid diagnosis of sepsis in childhood by PCR method)
平成9年度−10年度 文部省科学研究(一般研究C,500万)
Publications ------------------------------------------------------------------
Omit the Japanese publication. (Journal)
1) Monozygotic twins discordant for Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.
(Kajii T, Hagiwara K, Tsukahara M, Nakajima H, Fukuda Y)
J. Med. Genet. 18 :312- 314. 1981.
2) Dispermic origin of XY hydatidiform moles.
(Ohama K, kajii T, Okamoto E, Fukuda Y, Imaizumi K, Tsukahara M,
Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K,) Nature 292 : 551- 552. 1981.(Aug)
3) Esterase D polymorphism in hydatidiform mole.
(Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K, Kajii T)
Jpn. J. Hum. Genet. 27(2)180,1982.
4) Pfeiffer syndrome or Saethre-Chotzen syndrome?
(Tsukahara M, Hagiwara K, Kajii T)
Jpn. J. Hum.Genet. 30 :51- 56, 1985.(June)
5) J chain -like component in 18-S immunoglobulin of the skate,
Raja kenojei, a cartilaginous fish.
(Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K, Kajii T, Tomonaga S)
Molec. Immunol. 22 :775- 778, 1985.(July)
6) Isolation and characterization of immunoglobulin of hagfish,
Eptatretus burgeri, a primitive vertebrae.
(Kobayashi K, Tomonaga S, Hagiwara K)
Molec. Immunol. 22 : 1091- 1097, 1985.(Sep)
7) Studies of immunoglobulin and immunoglobulin-forming cells in
Heterodontus japonics, a cartilaginous fish.
(Tomonaga S, Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K, Sasaki K, Sezaki K)
Devel. Comparat .Immunol. 9 : 617- 626, 1985.
8) Purification and characterization of esterase D1 and D2 from human
erythrocytes: Evidence that they are monomers.
( Matsuo K, Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K, Kajii T)
Eur. J. Biochem. 153 : 217-222, 1985.
9) Double precipitin arcs of IgA myeloma sera on immuno-electrophoresis:
Origin and suggestion of IgA2,2m(2) allotype.
(Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K, Vaerman J-P, Kajii T)
Immunol. Invest. 14 :455- 468, 1985.
10) Serum proteins in vesicular fluid of hydatidiform moles: A lack of
selectivity of molar trophoblast in the transfer of maternal serum proteins.
( Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K, Kajii T) Placenta 7 :199- 297, 1986
11) Gut-associated lymphoid tissue in Elasmobranchs.
(Tomonaga S, Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K, Yamaguchi K,Awaya K)
Zool. Sci. 3 :453- 458, 1986.
12) Jacalin, a jackfruit lectin, precipitate IgA1 but not IgA2 subclass on
gel diffusion reaction.
(Kondoh H, Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K, Kajii T)
J.Immunological Methods 88 :171- 173, 1986
13) Complexes of albumin and a1-antitrypsin with Fc fragment of IgA
monomer are disulfide bond to penultimate C-terminal cysteine in
the Ca3 domain.
(Vaerman J-P, Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K, Rits M)
Immunol. Letters 15: 67- 72, 1987.
14) Normal serum IgA as well as secretory IgA is resistance to most
bacterial IgA protease: Evidence for the presence of enzyme-neutralizing
antibodies in both serum and secretory IgA, and also in serum IgG
(Kobayashi K, Fujiyama Y, Hagiwara K, Kondoh H)
Microbiol.Immunol. 31 : 1097- 1106, 1987.
15) A simple procedure for the isolation of human secretory IgA of IgA1
and IgA2 subclassby a jackfruit lectin, Jacalin, affinity column.
(Kondoh H, Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K)
Molec.Immunol. 24 :1219- 1222. 1987
16) Immunoglobulins of primitive vertebraes.
(Kobayashi K, Tomonaga S, Hagiwara K)
Dev. Comp. Immunol. 12:414- 415, 1988.
17) Jacalin: isolation, characterization and influence of various factors
on its interaction with human IgA1, as assessed by precipitation and
latex agglutination.
(Hagiwara K, Collet-Cassart D, Kobayashi K, Vaerman J-P)
Molec. Immunol. 25 : 69- 83, 1988
18) Jacalin: Chaos in its immunoglobulin-binding specificity.
(Kobayashi K, Kondoh H, Hagiwara K, Vaerman J-P)
Molec. Immunol. 25 :1037- 1038, 1988.
19) Structural and functional variability of Jacalin.
(Pineu N, Aucouturier P, Preud'homme JL, Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K)
Molec. Immunol. 28:185- 187, 1991.
20) Involvement of the white matter in the initial stage of herpes
simplex encephalitis.
(Ichiyama T, Hayashi T, Yamaguchi E, Tanaka H, Hagiwara K)
Pediatric Radiology 22 :145, 1992
21) Isolation of human herpes virus 6 in an infant with Kawasaki
(Hagiwara K, Komura H, Kishi F, Kajii T, Yoshida T)
Eur. J. Pediatr. 151: 867- 868, 1992.
22) Terai I, Kobayashi K, Fujita T, Hagiwara K: Human serum
mannose binding protein (MBP): Development of an enzyme-linked
Immunosorbent assay(ELISA) and determination of levels in
serum from 1085 normal Japanese and in some body fluids.
Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology 50:111-119, 1993.
23) Hagiwara K, Ouchi K, Tashiro N, Azuma M, Kobayashi K;
An epidemic of a pertussis-like illness caused by Chlamydia
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 18:271-275. 1999.
1) Separation of human sIgA1 and sIgA2 by affinity chromatography
on the jackfruit lectin, Jacalin.
(Kobayashi K, Hagiwara K, Kondh H, Vaerman J-P) .
In Recent Advances in Mucosal Immunology
Ed. Mestecky J., McGhee JR. Bienenstock J. & Ogra PL Plenum
Publishing Corporation: New York pp1193-97. 1987.
2) IgA protease from Clostridium Ramosum that cleaves IgA1 and IgA2,
2m(1): The site of cleavageand digestion of secretory IgA.
(Kobayashi k, Fujiyama Y, Hagiwara K, Hodohara K,Hosoda S)
In Recent Advances in Mucosal Immunology. Ed. Mestecky J.,
McGhee JR.,Bienenstock J. & Ogra PL
Plenum Publishing Corporation: New York pp1289-1296. 1987.
3) Application of the quantitative latex agglutination assay to study
glycoprotein-lectin interaction.
(Hagiwara K, Collet-Cassart D, Vaerman J-P, Masson PL)
In, Lectins: Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry.
Vol. 6: 505- 511. Sigma Chem Co., St Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.1988.
4) A worldwide survey of IgA1-binding lectin, Jacalin, a lectin from
genus Artocarpus.
(Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K) In, Tsuchiya M et al eds. Frontier
of Mucosal Immunology Vol.1.pp205-208.
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsterdam, 1991.
Immunoglobulin of the Hagfish: Molecular structure and evolution.
(Kobayashi K, Tomonaga S, Hagiwara K)
In Uyeno T, Arai R, Taniguchi T, Matsuura K, eds.Proceedings of the
Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes
.The Ichthyological Society of Japan. pp922. 1986.