Adenovirus infection in child(2)

|||||||||| April 5th 2004. fever & cough at morning.

|||||||||| 6th. came to Clinic. reddish white coated tonsil(+).
|||||||||| Rapid test for adenovirus(+).
|||||||||| 9th. fever fell down.

----------------- ☞ 6 year old girl (same patient as above).
|||||||||||||| But this time no so severe ----- may due to some immunity to adenovirus
|||||||||||||| March 4th, 2009. high fever & throat pain at evening. no cough.
|||||||||||||| Tonsil: red(+) pus(-).
|||||||||||||| adenovirus test (+).
|||||||||||||| March 7th. fever fell down.
1) Adenovirus: DNA virus. 47 serotype
-------- Dr. Linda Stannard, Department of Microbiology, University of Cape Town.
2) Season: winter ~ spring ~ early summer.
3) Age: 6 month old~ toddlers.
4) Transmission route: child to child.
||||||| ☞ close contact through droplets.
||||||| ☞ feces~oral route.
||||||| ------- Child with adenovirus infection have excreted its viruses in feces
|||||||------- for long period( 2 weeks).
5) main site of infection: kindergarten.
6) incubation period: 2~14 days.
7) Type of diseases:
||||||| ☞ So many types of adenovirus have been circulating,
||||||| child may be 2, 3 or more times suffered from this virus.
||||||| But don't worry,your child gradually immune to this virus.
||||||| i) Pharingitis, Tonsillitis: common
||||||| ii) Acute bronchitis & pneumonia: infant, at risk in premature born baby.
||||||| iii) conjunctivitis & keratitis: common in summer.
||||||| iv) Acute gastroenteritis: serotypes 31, 40, 41.
||||||| v) Hemorrhagic cystitis: toddler ~ 10 year old.
||||||| vi) Pertussis(whooping cough ) like illness: rare.
Any questions: write to Keiji Hagiwara MD,