There are a variety of over-the-counter cough or cold medicines
(syrup) for children are sold in Drug stores in Japan. Its taste and
flavor are excellent if you drink, in spite of its contain bitter codeine.
The ingredients of OTC cold medicine ;
1) Cough suppressant: many contain codeine phosphate,
and dl-methylephedorine or dextromethorohan HBr.
2) Anti-histamine: d- Chloropheniramine
3) Expectorant: guanethidine sulfate
4) Fever reducer: acetaminophen
5) Vitamins: B1, B2, C
6) Caffeine
6) Caffeine
Usually, Pediatrician prescribe 1),2),3),4) with the various combination
of its volume and ingredients, depending upon the child condition.
But not use 5), 6).
But not use 5), 6).
2) In mild cold case, it may OK to use OTC drugs.
3) The cost of OTC cold drugs is expensive.
We pediatricians prescribe more reasonable and effective cold medicines,
but, Public Insurances regulate its cost too much lower. I can’t accept
this Japan Insurance Policy.
but, Public Insurances regulate its cost too much lower. I can’t accept
this Japan Insurance Policy.
Any questions: write to Keiji Hagiwara M.D.