Photo: red spots, bumps and blisters of Chickenpox
❑ Etiology: Varicella-Zoster virus
❑ Incubation periods: 2 weeks ( 7 days--21 days)
❑ Skin: The total numbers of blisters is around 200-300 ,
however, individual variation is great among persons.
Usually by day 5 , no new ones will appear.
By day 7, most of the blisters will be crusted over.
If the numbers of blister is 10 or less, it is difficult to
diagnose as chickenpox !
❑ Rare complication: meningo-encephalitis, hepatitis, peumonia
❑ Therapy: 1) Blisters : Zinc oxide ointment
2) Oral Anti-virus drug such as Acyclovir is effective.
❑ Prevention: varicella-zoster vaccine
Any questions: write to
Keiji Hagiwara MD