11 April, 2010

Cairo, Egypt

In November 1987, Dr. Oda and myself went to africa by the request of the 
Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Japan. The purpuse of the trip was the 
health consultation of the attaches of Japanese Embassy and the Japanese, 
who live in Africa.  The countries included Ghana, Liberia, Guinea, Morocco, 
Tunisia, those all were required VISA.
-------------   Red colour was private passport. green was official passport.
We brought the portable ECG machine and urinalysis kit and some drugs from Japan.
Also, I purchased Chloroquine ( the anti-malaria drug. At present, Mefloquine is the 
standard drug ) from Belgium, since not available in Japan at that time. We stayed 
one night in Cairo.

The panorama view from the Saladin Citadel of Cairo -------- old city.

----------------------------------------misty due to Sand storm.