08 June, 2010

Measles: 16 year old

Measles: 16 year old boy
He received Measles vaccine at 1 year old. So in this case, vaccine immunity
was disappeared.

January 14: started fever
15: high fever

----------16: high fever
----------17: Skin rash appeared from face, then upper trunk and extrimity.
----------18: Hospitalization. WBC 2,700(44%band. 22%seg, 20%lym.14% mon),
--------------- CRP=3.3mg/dl
----------19: high fever, cough. Skin rashes appeared all over the body.
---------------------------------------But conjunctivitis was not severe.
---------------------------------------taken the photos;
-----------------------------1) Face:
-----------------------------------2) chest;
------------------------3) chest: enlarged

----------------------4) Koplik's spot: not so clear one.

----------------- January 20th:  skin rash of the arm.
------------------January 26:  skin pigmentation of arm. 10 yen coin for reference.