29 March, 2011

3.12. Fukushima nuclear plant disaster: Simulation of atmospheric dispersion of the radioactive plume

March 11th Earthquake and tsunami damaged the nuclear power plant at Fukushima,
where 4 of 6 nuclear reactors have been troubles, leaking the radioactive substances
to the air.

Institute de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire(=IRSN) has published information
on its french website regarding the status of the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear plant, and the consequences of the crisis.
It includes :
1) Dispersion of radioactive releases in the air
2) Whole body doses likely to be received by a one-year old infant with no protection
     during the releases
3) Doses to the thyroid likely to be received by a one-year old infant with no protection
     during the releases

Thank you, French IRSN

Keiji Hagiwara, MD
Kami-Ube Pediatric Clinic,
Ube 755-0097, Japan